Rural Outreach Counselling offers counselling services to the wider community. Whether it be over the phone, in our private counselling room at the office, in your own home, or out in your back paddock – we can help.
Our specialty is reaching out and having a chat where you feel most comfortable.
Our trained counselling team will give you the tools to overcome difficulties in your life and make the changes you want to make. If you are noticing a decline in your mental health or need some guidance with day-to-day life, don’t wait, reach out now.
If you would like to see one of our counsellors or refer someone on to us, please complete and return the Counselling Referral Form to or contact us during business hours on 0418 762 255.
In addition, if you would like to complete our Client Counselling Agreement and Counselling Privacy Policy forms prior to your appointment please complete and return to the above email address with your intake form. Alternatively, these below forms can be completed at your first appointment.
Click the following links for our Duty of Care and Privacy Policy.
Fees & Charges
Rural Outreach Counselling service currently does not charge any fee for 1 hour counselling sessions, whether it be face-to-face, online or over the phone.